Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has launched an initiative to distribute laptops to students across Punjab within 90 days. Under the Chief Minister’s Laptop and Merit Scholarship Program, the government aims to provide advanced laptops to deserving students, enabling them to pursue modern education and excel academically. This program highlights the government’s commitment to empowering youth and bridging the digital divide.
Feature | Details |
Total Laptops | 40,000 |
Laptop Specifications | Core i7, 13th Generation |
Priority Regions | Southern Punjab and Minority Students |
Completion Deadline | February 20, 2025 |
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Table of Content
Distribution Plan
- In the first phase, 5,000 laptops will be delivered within the next 30 days.
- The other remaining 35,000 laptops will be distributed by February 20, 2025.
- Laptops will be allocated to university students, college students, and those from agriculture and industrial sectors.
- 32 percent of laptops will be provided to students from Southern Punjab.
- The program ensures inclusivity by prioritizing minority and underprivileged students.
Eligible Students
Students enrolled in public and private educational institutions in Punjab are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to top position holders in Matriculation and Intermediate exams, as well as minority students. Additionally, the program includes students pursuing studies in fields such as computer science, medicine, engineering, business, agriculture, and veterinary sciences.
Also Read: Latest Update: CM Maryam Announces Merit-Based Laptop Distribution for Students 2025
Objectives of the Program
The primary goal of this initiative is to provide students with the tools needed to enhance their learning and technological skills. By distributing laptops, the government aims to encourage innovation, foster academic excellence, and create equal opportunities for students from all backgrounds.
Impact of the Laptop Scheme
This program is expected to have a significant impact on the educational landscape of Punjab. It will enable students to access modern learning resources, improve their academic performance, and prepare for future career opportunities. By prioritizing minority and underprivileged students, the initiative promotes inclusivity and supports regional development.
The Chief Minister’s Laptop and Merit Scholarship Program is a transformative step toward empowering the youth of Punjab. By providing advanced laptops to deserving students, the government is investing in the future of education and technological growth. Students across the province are encouraged to take advantage of this program and use the resources provided to achieve their academic goals.
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When will the laptops be distributed now?
The first phase will deliver 5,000 laptops within 30 days, and the remaining 35,000 will be distributed by February 20, 2025.
Which fields of study are included in the laptop scheme now?
The scheme includes students from disciplines such as computer science, medicine, engineering, business, agriculture, and veterinary sciences.